[JA] Yahoo List Bounce

  • From: James E Henderson <jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 12:19:24 -0500

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 10:48:57 EST Julian B Hilaire <jbh1492@xxxxxxxx>
JBH> I started 2 (two) new accounts and subscribed them to lists. 
> They were 'bounced to death'.  

Does anyone know the difference between a "Soft" bounce and a "Hard" one?
 I don't.  But then, I haven't heard of any messages to me bouncing. 
Thanks largely to spam, my usual incoming load is about a dozen messages
per download except when I make my calls a couple hours apart or less, or
half a day apart or more.  Seldom do my day's messages add up to a

JBH> Carefully 'balancing the load' over multiple accounts sounds good, 
> but I can't figure out if an account is assigned to a specific server.

I'd be surprised if it were a problem with a specific mail server at
Juno.  Presumably they're all pretty much the same hardware and software.
 My suspicions are more towards traffic.  Accounts that get hundreds per
day, or dozens per download, or a download taking an entire minute, may
be the ones giving a false indication of "mailbox full" or other reason
to bounce.  This would explain why lightweights like me are not
suffering.  Perhaps those who report such bounces should indicate how
much mail they typically get per day and per download.

JBH> Maybe the new accounts were assigned to the same juno server and 
> thus were bounced to death by a single server goofing up.  I like the 
> idea, really I do, it just didn't work for me.

Or maybe you didn't spread them thinly enough, or maybe Juno has a way of
recognizing that your different accounts are used by the same computer or
phone line and thus are to be treated as one user.  Obviously I'm groping
in the dark like everyone else but if we share our limited information we
may be able to feel out the shape of this elephant.

>CS> I've asked the owners of two non-yahoo lists if messages to me are
> > bouncing there - perhaps it's a yahoo/Juno problem?

An interesting question.  I don't get any Yahoo lists.  Of course, the
consequence of bouncing a message back to Yahoo Lists is more dire than
for other listservs, so maybe that's why others are not noticed.

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