[JA] Re: Pre-Juno ads

  • From: mmmcrae@xxxxxxxx
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2005 08:10:33 -0500

Subject: [JA] Pre-Juno ads
From: Bob in Jersey <bob.in.jersey@xxxxxxxx>
Anybody =not= getting three pop-up ads (usually two of them the same
company) before your read or web screen appears in Juno 4 or later?
That happened to me once and only once, thank goodness.  I use v4.  I
thought it was a hiccup of some sort. Don't tell me its a trend.

But I am having real trouble using the juno dial-in these days.  I have
re-set the selections. It dials and then after a time, re-dials, and then
after 2 or 3 tries tells me it can't connect.  Or, if it does connect,
gets stuck halfway through transmission.  If I dial in using my ISP the
mail comes right through. Just annoying, not email stopping.


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