[JA] Portable

  • From: Jim Henderson <jim47hen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:35:43 -0400

4/26/2015 3:56 AM, agnir@xxxxxxxx wrote:

For the last 15 years or so, I have used juno webmail and I love its
portability which is so convenient when I travel.

Poor portability is precisely what I dislike about Juno's service.
Saturday during a photographic trip in Melrose in the South Bronx, a
chime came from my belt. I took out my phone to read an E-mail from a
friend to the Verizon address you see here. Since the matter was not
urgent, I took a few more shots, then mounted up and pedaled over the
bridge to East Harlem. There, while the bike slept under a restaurant
table, I sat down for a quiet Mexican lunch and to tap out a reply
before unfolding and pedaling to the Upper East Side to lead an
afternoon bike tour to Washington Heights. Mobile technology, including
the smartphone and folding bicycle, made that busy day an easier and
pleasanter one.

With some effort I have been able to make this degree of portability
work properly with Juno, but until that happened I was only able to
access it by Webmail. That meant either waiting for the chance to use
someone's real computer, or carrying a much bigger screen that cannot
conveniently hang from my belt.

I think that because Juno is obscure compared to aol, hotmail and yahoo,
hackers tend to ignore it. I get spam, of course, but that's not Juno's fault.

I doubt that's an important protection; there must be tens of thousands,
probably millions, of smaller E-mail domains and the predators would
surely not leave them as refuges. However, my experience agrees with
yours; spam via Juno is a minor problem.

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