[JA] Re: Juno1.49 v ISP services

  • From: James E Henderson <jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 23:40:56 -0500

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 11:46:38 PST Joann Lee <dnehoc@xxxxxxxx> writes:

JL> I hope I didn't quote too much so this response to George comes

Better if you don't delete the quote marks that help distinguish which
words are whose.

> GL> I'm using a more recent version of Juno,
>> I can easily disconnect from the Internet if I want...  
JL> You can, of course, but it's another set of steps, whereas w/1.49 
> that's how it's designed: the email goes out, comes in and is off line.

Eh?  Isn't that how the Juno version I'm doing works?  I did my mail run
the same way five minutes ago with v4.11 as with v5 yesterday and with
v1.49 last year.  There are design differences, but that isn't one of

>GL> Is it the solitaire that you're missing on your Win 98 machine?
JL> Among other items, yes.

So, add those items.  Solitaire is available when you install either Win
95 or 98.  Whatever you forgot to include, use Add/Remove Programs to put
it in.

JL> I don't use the win9.x machine every day, so email coming there
> may sit for several days before I have a reason to check for it 

What does the first part of this sentence have to do with the second?  I
don't use my WinMe computer every day, but nothing is delayed since I
only make a Juno mail run if I'm going to look at what arrives.  Whatever
machine I'm at, that's where I run Juno to see the JA list or other lists
or private and family mail.  Why would anything arrive on your rarely
used computer on the days you aren't using it?

JL> Finally ... I really don't understand why I would want more places to
check for email 

For me, it's because I go different places to see different people.  If
one of my computers is there (sometimes it's because I am visiting
someone whose computer was a gift from me) I can check my Juno mail with
whatever version is installed in it, without tying up their phone line
for many minutes.  More places, more people, more merrier.

JL> I don't care to participate in our contemporary society's idea that
> something can be done faster it should be done faster ... artificial
> urgency, somebody smarter than I called it a few years back. 

Yeah.  Juno 4.11 is the slowest version I use, but it doesn't bother me. 
Take it easy.  After all, it's usually not snowing here in New York, so I
usually walk a couple miles or bicycle a dozen or two to visit, so what's
the big hurry?  Many of us islanders have finally it figured out: 
Urgency is optional.  Mainlanders may learn one of these days that they
are allowed to sit back and relax a fraction of a minute while Juno on a
slow computer grinds away unpacking a few dozen messages.

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