[JA] Free Riders and Paid

  • From: thepccat@xxxxxxxx
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, no-tags-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 09:25:51 -0800

[here is some discussion, hope for more comment and info from those who
use Juno as Web access  -thepccat]

On Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 08:23:20 -0800, "George Lunt" <glunt@xxxxxxxx>,
Subject: [JA] Re: no incoming mail, wrote in part:
"Free-riders are still a valuable pool of potential Platinum accounts.
Free-riders have been reduced by roughly 40% since the merger with
NetZero, down from a combined membership with NetZero of about 7.5
million to 4.5 million.  This number still gives United Online
credibility and clout as a "top" provider."

Thanks for the info, and may the free rider syndrome long continue, I
know I have milked it for over six years now, aside from the continuing
SPAM filter SNAFU's it has been great email, and there continue to be
some for whom a free email service usable with dialup and archaic
computers [down to Win 3.1/386/?MB_RAM] is vital.

I have something to report about the Juno Web connection, which I have
seldom used because it always fails "to initialize" and the software asks
me to reinstall the software. The problem in my case may be in the ad
portion of the software. Every so once in awhile I clear out the ads
folder, except for the logs folder and addb.frm file. Just on a whim I
then decided to try and connect to Juno Web, and the doggone thing went
right through and continued without a hitch! I was surfing by Juno,
adding 20-30 minutes onto my 10 hour allotment!

On the one hand, the throughput [during this short trial] was actually
quite good [~5K/sec with an almost 50k connection]. On the other there
was an initial blizzard of ads pop-ing up, which Google popup stopper did
nothing to kill. They stay as open windows unless killed manually. On the
third, if I was to close the IE window the system would warn me I was to
disconnect in XX seconds, and I would have to cancel that. It also seemed
after awhile, this "we are going to close" would occur for no particular

What is user experience with Juno Web access? Can you simply set some
resumable downloader to operate and go away for several hours without
Juno disconnecting, or the proliferation of windows from ads dragging the
system down? Are there ways to modify this experience for user benefit? I
was able to successfully block Juno from acting as server using
ZoneAlarm--it accesses the Web and seems to work OK without being a
server [what the heck would that be used for?]. 

I have become used to the "real ISP" experience, where there are no ad
windows, and it runs until it quits, sometimes as much as 12 hours,
sometimes much less [by the way, if you experience connection becoming
sluggish or quitting often, *first* try rebooting, particularly if you
have Win 9X/ME (regardless of how much RAM you have)]. How does the Juno
web compare to this? I assume the Platinum service would be about the
same only less so--is that correct? Even with the percieved limitations,
being able to use Juno web could come in handy when the other ISP is on
the ropes or down for the count.


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  • » [JA] Free Riders and Paid