[JA] Re: Extremely Abhorrent for All

  • From: Matt Bahls <downloader5@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 12 May 2001 10:08:44 -0500

OFF topic, but I don't really think that is true.  From what I
understand, there are only a certain number of people that are actually
tracked by Nielsen and they have boxes on their TVs so Nielson can track
what they are watching or they have to record their viewing habits in a
diary.  This number of people is supposedly a good representation of the
actual population which is how it works.  Check out
http://www.nielsenmedia.com/index.html for more information.  From the
website, I think there are about 26,000 households that have meters and
1.6 million diaries.


On Sat, 12 May 2001 02:37:40 -0400 plasma.man@xxxxxxxx writes:
>What do you
> think about the nielsen ratings?  They track what you watch without 
> your
> knowledge.

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