[JA] Re: Attchments scanned for virus

  • From: "thepccat@xxxxxxxx" <thepccat@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 22:10:25 GMT

I believe client email has been scanned for virus/trojan/SPAM. We were told 
this would happen months ago and since then I have gotten just about no such 
emails [actually pretty impressive]. I believe the emails are just not sent, 
rather than by sending you the email without the attachment or a note saying a 
virus was killed. You could test this by sending yourself the EICAR test virus 
[or single or double zipped EICAR.com file--using RAR for the archive or 
setting a password would allow anything to go through] and seeing if you get 
the email back.

Why the webmail has been so edited I don't have a clue.


===you wrote====
When I use Juno's Web mail, any message that has an attachment contains a 
notation from Juno that the attachment has been scanned for virus and is OK to 

Does anyone know whether this scan has been made on attachments we get from 
Juno software on our paid accounts?  I never seen any notation on attachments 
to messages I get in my Megamail account.

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