[JA] Re: A short message

  • From: thepccat@xxxxxxxx
  • To: outtolaunch@xxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 09:18:52 -0700

I'm no expert, but you might want to look at the "bounce" message that
your friends got when trying to send to you. Since my message to you did
not bounce, your address at Juno is still good, and there is no filter
preventing your reception. Why email is occasionally not delivered seems
to me a different question. The reply text sent your friends who could
not email you might tell the tale. Sometimes I have had a message that my
email could not be sent but would be retried for 72 hours or whatever. If
the text says "does not exist" find out what does not exist -- it could
be juno.com  or outtolaunch@xxxxxxxx or something else entirely. For
example, if it is "jumo.com" you know your friend mispelled your address
and there is no jumo out there. For all I know, there could be occasional
glitches in the Juno email system, though I have not been able to prove
any in about three years.

Email is generally not considered suitable for mission critical
communication, because glitches happen. You [or those who write you] can
increase reliability by asking for a return so they will know you
received the message, even if you do not have time to compose a proper


On Mon, 3 Jun 2002 11:07:22 -0400 outtolaunch@xxxxxxxx writes:
> > Will it bounce?
> > thepccat
>       Nope. :)  Only a few that I know of have bounced. But I
> worry about ones I may not know about! Some friend may think
> I'm ignoring him or her; or someone may have sent me some
> information I really wanted to get.
>      Re filters: If Juno is using them, I'd think I wouldn't get 
> dozens
> of messages with penis, viagra, sluts, etc. etc. ad nauseam in the
> subject line. <g> I did know that many people have trouble getting 
> list messages on AOL ... but I hardly consider that a "real" ISP. 
> <G>
>      I wonder if the problem is that Juno had been "down" more 
> lately.
> I seem to be getting a lot of "can't connect" messages.
> Best,
> Peggy

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