[JA] Re: 4.0

  • From: George J Kamenz <gkamenz@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 15:30:38 EST

Finally a question I can answer.  Hurray ;-)

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 11:13:06 -0500 outtolaunch@xxxxxxxx writes:

>    I'm running 5.0 at present. Would it be possible to download
> 4.0 (assuming that I can be directed to a site from which to do so)
> and run both? 

Yes, install the second version to a different directory.  Juno will even
keep the .ini in the windows directory all hunky durry.

>    If not, how would I go about dropping back from 5 to 4? Or is 
> that possible? I want the separate folders back!! :)

Yes, install v4 in a separate directory and move the accounts and
messages as you see fit.  Mainly you have to decide on whether to forward
messages one at a time, so they look pretty much the same after the move;
or whether to use mimfrm to process the... well using mimfrm works as
described and saves time.

For me the thing wasn't moving messages quickly, it was deciding what to
move that took the time.

If you are just going to move the folders as is, mimfrm will save bunches
of time.

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