screen rotation

  • From: Tony Santiago <tsantiago128@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:56:45 -0500

Hey guys, I noticed that jaws suddenly was acting strangely when trying to read 
certain things like the taskbar and some dialog boxes. I asked my son to look 
at the screen to see if there was something weird going on, and he said that 
everything on the screen was sideways. It's as if the screen was turned on its 
side. Is there a quick fix for this, that anyone knows of? Is there a feature 
that I may have activated accidentally that rotates the screen? Forgive me if 
this is off topic, and if so, please feel free to reply to my email link below. 
Thanks in advance.

Tony Santiago


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