jfw and csun

  • From: "Gery Gaubert" <gerygaubert@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 20:42:45 -0600

I had the opportunity to listen to the audio from the csun conference.  I
heard the presentation on jaws 6.1.  Yes the new features are nice bunt one
thing was kind of unsettling.  In version 6.0 one of the main features at
least for me was the remote access feature.  It didn't seem as though Eric
was the least bit disappointed when they couldn't connect to the server in
Florida using remote access and jfw.  I for one was extremely disappointed.
Don't take this as complaining because I am happy that we now have a way to
access other computers.  There is a great deal of problems and issues that
need addressing when it comes to remote access and jfw.  For one, when you
are connecting to a remote computer you get input capture window and if jaws
doesn't connect no explanation, no prompts for user name and password,
nothing until the connection is made and you are signed on to the server.  I
don't know if anything can or will be done about this but it should be.  I
hope remote access is improved on if at all possible.  We have come a long
way in this area with jaws but more could be done to improve on it.  I was
just a little bit curious when he just dismissed remote access like it was
no big deal.  Anyway at least we have a way to connect which is better than
before and for that I am thankful to Freedom Scientific and all parties

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