Re: Two Jaws Commands for WordPerfect 12.0 not Working

  • From: "Adrian Spratt" <A.Spratt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 07:41:03 -0500


I'm also a WordPerfect 12 user, but these two commands are unfamiliar to me. I 
just tested them in WordPerfect and got the same results as you. However, I 
also tried them out on MS Word, and they don't work there, either.

I recall there are settings in either or both the configuration manager and the 
verbosity menu that ought to give you these options. Unfortunately, it's been 
so long since I've used them that I'd have to search them to give you more 
specifics. I'm content to press insert-f when I want this kind of information. 
It works fine in WP 12.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Van der Molen

Hi Listers.

At work I use WordPerfect 12.0 with Windows XP Professional and the Jaws 9.0 

Two Jaws commands that do not work in WordPerfect 12 are the alt+shift+f 
command, which is supposed to set font announcement to on, and the alt+shift+p 
command, which is supposed to announce point size. I've tried this with earlier 
versions of Jaws and have had the same results. my shift key seems to be 
ignored, so when, for instance, I press alt+shift+f, I end up in the "files" 
menu of WP. Has anyone else experienced these problems and does anyone know of 
a solution?

Dave V

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