New Image Captia Service

  • From: "Gerald Levy" <bwaylimited@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "JFW list" <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 15:23:19 -0400

Hi everyone.  There is now a JAWS friendly alternative to Webvisum called 
Solona for solving image captias that works with any web browser including 
Internet Explorer.  Unlike Webvisum, which uses proprietary software to solve 
captias, Solona depends on real live human beings to perform this task.  You 
basically create an image file containing the captia and upload it to Solona, 
where a sighted operator decodes it and displays the result in text that JAWS 
can read so that it can be copied and pasted into the appropriate edit field.  
It is not as easy to use as Webvisum, but it can come in handy when Webvisum is 
unable to successfully solve a particular captia.  If you're interested,be sure 
to read and understand the instructions on the Solona Learn page (click on "How 
Solona Works") before you register.  I have already tried it and it works, but 
the instructions are a little complicated.  So if you are constantly frustrated 
or thwarted by inaccessible image captias but don't like using Firefox with 
Webvisum, check out this great new service.


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