Re: Get virtual PC cursor position

  • From: "Captain 357" <Captain357@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 07:17:22 -0500


  Have you tried using the invisible cursor?  This should keep the screen
from scrolling and may be more accurate.  Unfortunately, the only way to
test this will be to write the scripts, run them, and see how it works out,
versus using manual keystrokes to test parts of the script.  If all else
fails, post to the Jaws scripting list.  I'm sure some of the experts there
could help you out.  If you need the info for this list, let me know and
I'll post it up.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Parente" <parente@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: Get virtual PC cursor position

Thanks for your help. I'm still having some trouble getting it to work.

Here's what I do. I route the JAWS cursor to the PC cursor on the web
page. The JAWS cursor winds up in the wrong spot though, because the
browser window scrolls to a new location whenever the JAWS cursor moves.
The cursor ends up the scroll distance below the current PC cursor position.

I have also tried routing the cursor, calling GetCursorCol and
GetCursorRow to see if it gives different coordinate. Unfortunately, it
doesn't, so I can't use a MoveTo after getting the position to put the
cursor in the right spot.

Things would be simpler if I could just use LeftMouseButton, but that
isn't what I need for this application. What I need is the correct
screen coordinates or client coordinates of the PC cursor position, not
just a link activated. I plan to pass the coords to a COM object that
I've created in my JAWS script. The external object retrieves the HTML
element at the given point. I could even forgo using points if I could
just tell which object the PC cursor is currently over, but the only
function that comes close is ieGetFocus and that doesn't work with the
PC cursor. It only gives the index of the element that's last been
clicked or received the focus with a Tab key press.

Any other suggestions?


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