Re: Creating a new folder in Textpad

  • From: "E.J. Zufelt" <lists@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 21:06:54 -0400

Good evening Nancy,

I believe that what you have explained is expected behaviour. The look in combo box holds a standard set of folders such as My Documents, Desktop, etc. The expected behaviour for creating a new folder is that it is created in the currently selected folder. I'm not sure if there is an easy way to get a folder to appear in look in.


On 28-Jan-09, at 8:59 PM, Nancy Shugart wrote:

Hi All,

I can't remember how to do this.

I want to create a new folder in Textpad. I am using Textpad 5.2.0 with Windows XP and Jaws 10.

When I tab until I hear Jaws say, "Look in" combo box, it has several folders listed such as my documents, my computer, local disk C, desktop, etc.

I tab once more and it says, tool bar up one level.

I arrow around until I hear Jaws say, create new folder button.

I press the space bar.

It gives me an edit box and I type the name of the new folder.

When I finish naming the folder, my hope is that it will be placed in the "look in" combo box.

But instead, it's placed in the folder list. so if My Documents is highlighted in the "look in" combo box, then the new folder is placed in My Documents.

How can I get the new folder to be placed in the "look in" combo box?
Any ideas?

I hope this makes sense.  (smile)

Thank you.


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