Admin: Addressing a concern mentioned recently.

  • From: quanin <quanin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 22:55:59 -0400

The following was just relayed to me, regarding a topic that was addressed, 
however indirectly, about a month back--a list regarding new products for 
the blind. I post the information as it was given to me below. Any 
questions, comments, etc should be directed to wil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
off-list, and not to the list in general.
List Admin

For a couple weeks, I've seen people request a list where they can subscribe
and get the latest on new products for the blind.  I just started a list for
this purpose.  It is an announce-only list.  The way it works is if a
company wanted to get word out of a new product or an update to a product,
they would send a message to


The message would need moderator approval for posting.  Once that happens,
the word is out about the product.

To subscribe, send an empty message to


Reply to the message you receive and you're on the list.

In subscribing to this list, your e-mail will not be sold or given away for

To post a message to the list, send it to jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To unsubscribe from this mailing list, send a message to 
jfw-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the word unsubscribe in the subject line.
Archives located at: //

If you have any concerns about the list, post received from the list, or the 
way the list is being run, do not post them to the list. Rather contact the 
list owner at jfw-admins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Other related posts:

  • » Admin: Addressing a concern mentioned recently.