Acronis scripts was I just learned JAWS Scripting

  • From: Agent86b <agent_086b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:41:05 +1000

I changed the subject line to reflect my message below.

What do you need scripts to do when using Acronis True Image?
You are able to back up drives or individual files. Also restore them
by using the mouse cursor.
If you don't want to do that you can download HotSpotClicker from
this is a series of scripts that allow you to do many things
including clicking on any part of the screen you wish. I am lazy so
this is what I use.
I have created some HotSpots for True Image that I would be willing
to share provided you or anybody takes the time to learn enough about
HotSpotClicker to understand what it does.
I would not be willing to teach people how to use HotSpotClicker as I
don't have the time.
One thing you can't do with most of these image programs without
sited  assistance is restore an image on a new drive. This is because
we need Windows to be running so our screen readers will work.

on 22:46 1/06/2008, dave said:
I'd love to learn jaws scripting, but I certainly do not have the time. Two
apps I'd like to see are true image and putty an ssh client program.

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