[jewel] Re: GNUstep's Direction... Hopefully: GNUSTEP

  • From: MJ Ray <markj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jewel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 15:59:14 -0000

thisguyisi <thisguyisi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am curious. Is there a GNUstep Steering Committe or similar?

No.  There is a GNU-selected administrator who relies on people to help
him, but has a pretty free hand to organise things as he wishes, I think.

> Someone who doesn't dig into the GNUstep world wouldn't get this 
> impression of the project or environment.

Indeed.  I now can commit changes to the web space and would welcome
any suggestions that you have.  I have a new, cleaner page layout with
slightly improved menus which will appear at http://wwwmain.gnustep.org/

I need to figure out how to munge the existing web pages with the new
template when it is finished.  Having a "build process" is not possible,
thanks to some (most?) of the web site mirrors being simple mirrors and
some of the web masters wanting to continue just checking in edits to
the pages.

> [...] What about GNUstep???

You tell me. I think they're mostly willing to listen to suggestions, but
I don't think another "Foundation" is the right thing to do.  What concrete
steps can we take?

I'd suggest publishing your email onto your web site and giving the URL
to the gnustep-discuss list, then improving it based on suggestions
until you have some plans taking shape.

> For me, GNUstep remains inaccessable. :-( 

OK.  With GNU/Linux, installation is normally left to the distributions.
Things like the "Red Carpet" are frowned upon until they place nice with
the distribution's tools.  The installation follows a basic pattern, but
the specific commands (apt-get vs urpmi vs download-and-compile etc) may
differ.  It's probably possible to give a textual installer for this,
though, using a common scripting language (guile?).

> It would be extremely useful to have installers for all supported OS 
> hosts for GNUstep milestones. Why? 

It would be useful to review the milestones too.

> What's to become of GNUstep?

The jewel-dev posse ride into the developers and help push it forwards,
of course!

> [...] users are also in the scope of GNUstep's 
> target audience, aren't we?

Yep.  I'm frustrated by the lack of SimplyGNUstep and LinuxStep CDs to
hand out yet, too.  I think they're the best way to promote it to most
users.  Better installation instructions (the current pages are pretty
bad, you're right -- it's not really that hard, but they make it sound
like it is) are the next thing on my hit-list, I think.

It sounds as though you're trying to install onto Windows 2000?  That's
pretty difficult, as it's only recently been possible, I think.  How did
you get anywhere with it?

I like to program in scheme and it is possible to program GNUstep in that,
so I can probably write a fairly robust bug reporter that can fall back
to the command line if there's a really bad problem with the GNUstep
installation, which would be good.


MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
      http://mjr.towers.org.uk/   jabber://slef@xxxxxxxxx
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