!!how to restrict bandwidth per ip using ias...plz help me

  • From: ryan ehostproz <ryan4ehostpros@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 08:09:59 -0700 (PDT)

I have pc (windows advanced server sp3) with two 
Lan cards.

1 card connecd to 512Kbps line (publik ip 20.xxx.xx.x/

2.second card connected to local lan(

now i want share 512 line to 30 users with 3kb/s 
per ip. 

and i don't want install/chnage any settings in client side accept ipno/gateway 

Now how to configure IAS to perform above task.

plz help me .

Basically we want to stop people hogging badwidth on our leased line, 
so by restricting bandwidth to 3 to 5k a sec. might give a chance to 
other users. 

waiting for reply. 

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