cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc /disablesocketpooling true

  • From: "Sotik" <sothun@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 01:03:50 -0700

Dear all,

I am trying to publish W3SVC on the Internet. Our server has two NICs, the
first one has an internal ip address and the second one has a public ip
address(dedicated leased line). IIS5.0 is on the same as ISA server that's
why we need to pass a certain steps. When I execute "cscript adsutil.vbs
set w3svc /disablesocketpooling true" it return as the following:
ErrNumber: -2147463168 (0x8000500
Error Trying To Get the Object:

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


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