Streaming Video Difficulties

  • From: "Ball, Dan" <DBall@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "[ Discussion List]" <isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 11:16:26 -0500

I'm having troubles with one particular website showing streaming
videos.  Not too surprised, as anything that organization produces seems
to be designed for people with wide-open systems.

It's streaming QuickTime, and I can't seem to figure out what rules in
ISA2004 need to be created to get it working.  As a test I created a
rule for one workstation that allowed "all protocols", and I was able to
view the "embedded stream", but nothing else worked, they get "access
denied" errors. 

Can someone try the test video and verify that it requires Direct
Access?  I still can't get that working all that good here.

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