Pcanywhere problem with isa server

  • From: "Musser, Dale" <musser@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "[ISAserver.org Discussion List]" <isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 09:24:15 -0500

I have ran a number of clients with pcanywhere behind an ISA server but
I have one client that is causing me a bunch of problems.
One problem I am having is a windows xp machine that is running host
software will some times answer and sometimes will not.  Just depends
what mood it is in.
The second problem is a windows98 machine that does answer but will not
re-set  when you disconnect.  It gives out a communications error
unable to attach to specified device.  At first I thought it was the
machine but I just found this out today.  If I connect to the host on
the local network directly without going thru the isa server the host
works great.  It answers, disconnects and re sets it self to answer
again with no problems.  But as soon as I connect to it from the
outside, going thru the isa server, it will not reset it self and gives
out that communications error.  Then you just have to manually re run
the host software and it runs again.  This leads me to believe that
something is going on with the isa server doing something with the
Just so you know both pc problems are behind the same isa server.  I
have checked the configuration with some other isa servers that run
great with pcanywhere and everything looks the same.  I am just stumped.
Any ideas?

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  • » Pcanywhere problem with isa server