[isalist] Activesync,

  • From: "Ruba Al-Omari" <romari@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 01:29:40 +0300

I have a problem with my users using direct push, they receive the error
Support code 0x80072f06 which is related to my certificate.
I have a wild card certificate *.dah.edu.sa from versign installed on the
ISA 2006, then there is a webmail publishing rule, that takes the ssl
traffic to mail.dah.edu.sa, my problem is there is a different in the name
of the certificate from the ISA to the exchange,
- The wild card on the ISA is working fine.
- If I install the same wild card to the OWA on the exchange as recommended
by verisgn then my OWA users receive the (The network logon failed. (1790))
error and my mobile users receive the 0x80072f06 error that the certificate
name on the server is different from the server's name
- If I issue from my own CA a certificate to the exchange server with the
name mail.dah.edu.sa then the OWA works fine over ssl but my mobile users
still receive the error that the certificate is not the same name (because
they go to the ISA which has the wildcard but the internal exchange has the
mail certificate)
How can I allow the exchange to utilize the wild card certificate instead of
having to issue one from the local CA, when I import the *.dah.edu.sa to the
exchange it accepts it with no errors, but then the OWA is not working since
it says there is a difference in teh name, what do I need to do?

Thanks for any help,

You have an incorrect SSL certificate common name in the Host Name field.
For example, you may have entered www.server.com, when the common name on
the certificate is actually www.different.com. Make sure the server name is
entered correctly. The Exchange Server name in the ActiveSync settings
differs from the name that is required to establish an SSL connection.
Correct the Exchange Server name, and try to synchronize again. If you
synchronize on a schedule, synchronization has been changed from scheduled
to manual.

Ruba Al-Omari

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