[infoage-board] Fwd: [infoage] Fred's membership challenge

  • From: "Fred Carl" <fred-carl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: infoage-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 09:49:35 -0400

Hello everyone,

 I hope all the Dads and GrandDads are having a pleasant day.  The core 
volunteers have been challenged to bring 10 names of potential new memebers to 
the new Wednesday meeting.  At that time we will review basic personal steps to 
ask for donations.  Fund raising guides say 89% of donations to non-profits 
come from individuals.  We have to hone our 'asking' skills and increase our 

 Evan Koblentz, the head of MARCH, is showing a good 'WE CAN DO IT' spirit.

 This Saturday's activities were excellent.  A big thank you goes to Nels and 
Judy whose 5th annual Classic Car Show was the best yet.  We made three 
contacts for oral histoy interviews.  At the Eagle Scout Court of Honor we had 
the chance to speak with the Mayor and three committeemen.  We need to raise 
saving Camp Evans from a project in the town to the town's project.  Wall 
Township can save this historic site as a gift to our nation to honor the those 
who contributed on the homefront as the WWII Living Memorial if we motivate the 
citizen to do so.

Thank you,
----- Original Message -----
Date: 09:36 PM 06/17/2011
From: "Evan Koblentz" <evan@xxxxxxxxx>
To: infoage@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [infoage] Fred's membership challenge

I sent an email to MARCH's mailing list right after Fred explained his "bring ten" membership challenge. Fired it off from my smartphone, subject line: "InfoAge needs YOUR help" .... this was the message:

 >>> MARCHins,
InfoAge is ramping up its individual fundraising efforts. All group leaders have been asked to seek just 10 new individuals to join as InfoAge members (only $25/year).

Personally I feel that goal is too low. I don't see any reason why MARCH

can't get 20-30 individuals to join this year.

I'm already a member. In the next few days I plan to contact many of you


The better we help InfoAge, the better we make life for MARCH too.

InfoAge.org's donations page is at http://www.infoage.org/index.php/join-donate-volunteer.html. <<<

Update: as of tonight seven of my club members joined. At least two promised to donate more than just $25, and four others promised to join soon. Also a few people reminded me that they're already members. Fred,
I will give you the list next week.

Background: Our club mailing list is almost 300 people but in reality we

have just a few dozen active members. They're spread out from Ontario to

Illinois to Georgia -- quite a wide area! Luckily the majority are in a smaller triangle from Hartford to Pittsburgh to D.C. -- but they ALL think that InfoAge is awesome. There isn't a single person in MARCH who
questions why having a museum is among our core activities.

If our mostly harmless little computer club can get that kind of devotion, then every other member group can too.

Remember that any message sent to infoage@xxxxxxxxxxxxx will go to
everyone in the list.
The password for the archive is "igotitfromagnes"

InfoAge Core Volunteer Mailing List
Operated by Joseph Giliberti
If you need help, contact me at starbase89@xxxxxxxxx

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  • » [infoage-board] Fwd: [infoage] Fred's membership challenge - Fred Carl