[PCB_FORUM] Re: Ratsnest shown during component move

  • From: "Gajawada Kanth" <chandupcb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: icu-pcb-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 17:48:39 +0530

There are two options in allegro

1. Rip Up etch during Component Move and

2. Stretch etch during Component Move.

We cannot see the rat nets if we enable Stretch option. Check this option
and Let me know if it works.


Chandra kanth

On 5/9/06, William Billereau <William.Billereau@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello All.

Under Allegro, the shown ratsnest disappears when I select a component and
move it.
As it is like that since a long time (I can't remember how long it is set
like that) I was thinking that there is nothing to change for that.

A colleague of mine ask me today how to put it back (the shown rats during
component move) on his job
(he took an old job of another users who have the same disappearing rats
on his Allegro)

I first told him that i was dreaming but he shows me that it is true.....
I can't find where it is configured....
I guess it is rather on the job than on the users preferences that are the
same on all jobs.

Does anybody know where is this option to show or not the ratsnest during
a component move?
Even if the ratsnest is not displayed, on a move command it appears.....

Thanks in advance.

 | Billereau William | PCB Designer |
| | Tel: (+4122) 76 73403 |
| CERN TS/DEM | william.billereau@xxxxxxx |
| 1211 Geneve 23 Switzerland | Société: AMEC-SPIE/Electrotech |

-- Regards, Chandra Kanth PCB Design Engineer, CG-Coreel Programmables Pvt Ltd. #21,7th Main,1st Block,Kormangala Bangalore,Karnataka-560034


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