[icon-discuss] i-pad

  • From: Richard Fiorello <richkar1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: icon-discuss <icon-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 15:37:26 -0400

As for the i-pad, if a blind person can get the task done with main stream technology there is a big savings. One can purchase a reasonably good i-pad, 32 gig, for about $600.00 I suspect that the orion without a braille display will cost significantly more probably about three times the price. You avoid that steap learning curve and the need to adjust to a touch screen or use a separate keyboard but I congratulate anyone who has successfully taken on the task. True you will never have nls but that would appear to be the only down side. Now if I just had more courage and ambition.
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