[icon-discuss] Wondering about Icon and Braille+ wi-fi

  • From: "Jerry Matheny" <starnoble@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <icon-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 00:32:54 -0600

I'm just curious, but the Icon and Braille+ only have 802.11B wireless? Why
not G or N? B is way old. My other concern is only USB 1.1. If anyone could
let me know if there are any plans to update these please let me know. I
know people that the main reason why they haven't gotten one of these units,
is that even a $100 cell phone, or a $300 netbook has higher, more current
technology, when it comes to wi-fi and USb connectivity. I hope I am not out
of lign by asking these things, but this is a real concern to many people.

Thanks in advance,


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