[icon Discussions] Re: Back at new email location with questions

  • From: "Chase Crispin" <chase.crispin@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <wsmith@xxxxxxx>, <icon-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 10:14:14 -0500

Hi Will,
Do you have a large thumb drive that works with your icon? If so, you will want to follow these steps to copy your library/books folder to that drive so that you have a copy.
1.  Open file explorer by pressing 62 from the applications menu.
2.  Press right arrow to open the hard drive.
3.  Type "l" or down arrow until you get to Library.
4. Press right arrow to open the library folder.
5. The first option you should find is books. Press 0+select to select all the files in this folder. If you have a lot of books, this may take awhile. 6. Now, left arrow until you get to the drives list. Open the drive you want to move the books to. 7. Pres the menu key to get to the menu, and then choose copy selected. This will make a copy of all your books on your external drive.

If you do not have a drive you want to move the books too, then hook your Icon to your computer, you can use either disk drive mode or access your Icon wirelessly over the network if you know how to do that. On your computer, find your Icon, then choose library, then books. Once you have your cursor on the books folder, press ctrl+c to copy the folder. Move to some place else on your computer where you want to have the backup, and press ctrl+v to paste the copy of the folder. Let me know if this doesn't make sense, or if you have a different way of backing up.

As far as NLS BARD, the Icon and Braille Plus work very very well with books from that service. Are you already a member of NLS? If so, just go to:
On that page, find the link that says "BARD Application Instructions". This page will get you on your way to signing up. Once you have your username and password, log in at the same link above. Once you have logged in, find the link that says update account settings. Then find the link that says add a purchased player. ON that page, you will see a combo box. Choose either APH Braille Plus Mobile Manager, or LevelStar Icon. Press enter and you will soon hear from LevelStar or APH with your key information.

Chase Crispin

----- Original Message ----- From: "a g" <wsmith@xxxxxxx>
To: <icon-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 7:35 PM
Subject: [icon Discussions] Back at new email location with questions

I recently moved to this address and just got re-subscribed. I am fairly new to the Icon but love this unit. My first question involves making a backup of my growing book collection from Bookshare--what is the easiest/best way to make a copy of these books I have been putting on the Icon?

The next question involves NLS service. I haven't yet signed up for the NLS Bard service and wonder how I should proceed and wonder how well the Icon works with NLS's Bard service? Any answers appreciated!


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