Re: [i3] Tray Icons Disappearing on i3bar

  • From: Michael Stapelberg <michael@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Discussions/Questions about the i3 window manager <i3-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 21:55:37 +0200

Hi Bruno,

Quoting BRAGA, Bruno (2012-06-26 15:52:00)

I am experiencing this annoying behaviour for some icons in the tray bar. They
sometimes disappear out of nowhere, sometimes after coming back from suspend,
or when I relload the i3 config (by hitting Mod+Shift+R). 
I couldn't quite capture this with a screen recording app, so I took the video
with my mobile:

It always happens with checkgmail icon, but intermittently with Skype as well.
It seems like I can reproduce it with checkgmail.

Does anyone have similar issues, or any ideas on how can I "debug" or "fix"
You can enable more debugging in i3bar (which provides the tray) by
using the "verbose yes" statement in your bar configuration block.

Anyway, please open a new ticket for this and attach the information we
have so far. The mailing list is not the perfect place to have this
conversation :).

Best regards,

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