Re: [i3] Borders lost on urxvt and gimp floating windows "stuck" when restarting i3

  • From: Michael Stapelberg <michael@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Discussions/Questions about the i3 window manager <i3-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 16:13:15 +0200

Hi James,

Quoting James Robertson (2012-08-20 11:57:35)

Whenever I restart i3 (after a config change for example) I lose the
window borders around urxvt and if I have Gimp open the floating
The corruption you see there should be fixed after switching workspaces,

windows lose all borders and become "stuck" to the top left corner of
the desktop, follow me to each desktop, cover other windows and I can
only kill them by killing the main Gimp window.
This means that the windows are not managed by i3 anymore. This sounds
like a bug, only a full debug level logfile (and a ticket) will be
helpful to debug this.

Also, please upgrade to latest git 'next' before you file a ticket. See

Best regards,

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