[i3-discuss] Re: HiDPI question

  • From: "Bryan C. Everly" <bryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: i3-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 12:50:51 -0500


Should have mentioned that I do have Xft.dpi set in my .Xresources file as
well. I will go ahead and create that bug report.


On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Michael Stapelberg <michael@xxxxxxxx>

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 6:31 PM, Bryan C. Everly <bryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I'm running i3 4.11 on OpenBSD on a retina Macbook Pro using OpenBSD
5.8-current and have been struggling with a couple of things. They may be
n00b issues and if so, please feel free to beat me about my head and
shoulders (after you answer my question <grin>).

I've managed to get most of the UI reacting to the high resolution the
way I would like by simply setting xrandr --dpi 227 in my .xinitrc file.
However, I have some parts that aren't scaling the way I expected them to:

You should also set Xft.dpi: 227 in your ~/.Xresources. Most applications
use that to pick up the DPI settings. This should fix point 1-3.

In general, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI is a good resource.

1. Mouse pointer size - I have increased my mouse pointer size in all
windows with the exception of things that are i3 decorations (window
titlebars, the i3bar at the bottom of my screen, etc.) by setting
XCURSOR_PATH=/usr/local/share/icons in my .profile file. Any idea what I
can do to get this same cursor size when the mouse hovers over say, the

If you can reproduce this after setting Xft.dpi, please file a bug at

2. Scrollbars are crazy small on things like Firefox and LibreOffice. I
have juiced them up for my xterms by setting .xterm*scrollbar*width to 20
in my .Xresources file, but a simple *scrollbar*width setting doesn't seem
to apply to these other windows. Any ideas?

3. Radio buttons and checkboxes are crazy small as well. No idea how I
can increase the size on them.

4. I tend to (apparently) brush the trackpad while typing which can
sometimes cause focus to jump to another window. I have
focus_follows_mouse set to no in my .config/i3/config file. I'm also
running @jcs's xbanish utility to turn the mouse off while typing.
However, I still can't seem to get this to where I need it to be. What I'd
ideally like is to have the mouse go away for like up to N seconds after i
stop typing before movement or a click re-activates it. That would do the
trick for sure. Any suggestions on this one?

5. Any suggestions on how to find out which keypresses are represented
by my volume up / down / mute keys on my Macbook Pro keyboard and map them
to the appropriate volume up / down in i3? I can't seem to get this to
work using things like "bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl
set-sink-volume 0 -- +5%" in my .config/i3/config file. I'd really like to
get that and display brightness keys hooked up

See xev(1)

Any help would be massively appreciated all. Thanks for a killer window
manager that loads like lightning and is incredibly productive without
being distracting!

If I can get all of this figured out, I intend to write a blog post to
share the tricks for making all of this play seamlessly together with the
community so thanks in advance.


Best regards,

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