[huskerlug] Re: It can never "GET" dull because it already was!

  • From: GreyGeek <jkreps@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: huskerlug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:38:47 -0500

John Vogel wrote:
> Did you read the defenses? It seems like a reasonable razor
> that is being misused.  And of course their would be more
> complaints than defenses.
> John
Of course I read the "defenses".  In fact, I went to the ERSP website 
that lists the cases where the Electronic Retailers Self-regulation 
Program handles complaints against these scammers.   If you read the 
report on InfinityRazor you'll see that they whitewash this scam, 
proving that as their own provider of  "self-regulation" they are like 
the foxes guarding the children.   

By the way, how do you "misuse" a razor, especially if you've been 
shaving for years?

It's obvious from the complaints that the majority couldn't get more 
than one shave without the razor pulling the beard more than cutting 
it.  In fact, most found the razor pulled more than cut on their first 
use of it.  That's why they mocked the claim that it would never get 
dull -- how could it get dull when it already was.

I also noticed that another website "theinfinityrazor.com" existed but 
is not the website that the current ad refers to.  I checked it out and 
the website admin "business" address is a residential area of West Port, 
Conn.   The "getinfinityrazor.com" web admin lives in a luxury 
residential area of palm beach gardens, Fl., so he must be making a lot 
of mony peddling this junk.

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