[HFbeacons] Re: New keyer

  • From: Tom Sevart <tmsevart@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hfbeacons@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 11:01:32 -0600

On 11/11/2022 23:27, Bob Coomler wrote:

I'm in the process of getting my beacon back in operation after a hiatus of several years of tanked sun spots.  I found my old MFJ-495 keyer is hanging in by fingernails and toenails for whatever reason.  Probably not worth sending in for repair and replacing it in-kind is just more tech than I need.  So, I'm looking for a dirt simple keyer that will only be used for my 10M beacon.  A simple kit would be fine except I no longer have hands steady enough to do any building (though I would be happy to reimburse anyone for doing the work).  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Bob Coomler W7SWL
Tucson, AZ

I've been using a PK-4 keyer chip from Jackson Harbor Press for years. It's designed to be used as a CW keyer for use with paddles, but it does have a beacon function. The only issue is that if the beacon loses power you do have to manually start the beacon again by pressing a couple of buttons. But since my beacon is located at my shop it's easily accessible.

Tom Sevart N2UHC
St. Paul, KS


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