[hashcash] Re: Digest::Hashcash

  • From: Jonathan Morton <chromi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hashcash@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 22:59:23 +0100

I've been looking at Digest::Hashcash as a prelude to trying Hashcash in
conjunction with INN's perl filtering capability (filter_nnrpd.pl).

The results I'm getting from it though aren't what I was expecting...

my $token = "1:24:050505:banana::AV205x9oU7dwKZu3:000000000008d6m";

This returns:
[resource] 050505:banana::AV205x9oU7dwKZu3
[timestamp] 1704067200
[bits] 24

Whilst the bit collision seems correct, the resource and timestamp
components don't.  Am I missing something?

I think I know what's happening. The script is assuming (without checking) that the token is "version 0" format, which had only four fields: version:timestamp:resource:junk

The script is therefore interpreting "24" as a date, probably by conversion to 0000z on 1st Jan 2024. This sounds plausible for 1.7 gigaseconds since 1970. It's also clearly forming the resource field by stripping off the first two and final fields, which in the v1 format leaves you with rather a lot more than expected.

Note also that the v1 format changes the semantics of "token value" slightly. The value of a token in bits, is: the declared value in the value field IFF the measured value is greater than or equal to this, and zero otherwise. I understand this to be a protection against statistical leakage, similar to the effects of a complicated content filter.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     chromi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
website:  http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/
tagline:  The key to knowledge is not to rely on people to teach you it.

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