[Hardwick Estate] Hardwick Estate community mailing list

  • From: Wessel du Preez <wessel.dupreez@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hardwick-estate@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 15:53:58 +0200

Dear All

This email is sent to everyone who provided an email address at the meeting at 
Rowan’s place last week, all the adresses Rowan had before (collected at the 
previous braai), and all addresses people requested to be added in the past 
week or two.

As I explained at last week’s meeting, I have now set up the mailing list for 
our community. You have to subscribe yourself to it, but if you have trouble, 
do get in touch with me directly and I should be able to help.

I need to confirm addresses of a few people, and would like everyone to confirm 
their contact detail before making it available to people.

I might get also in touch with some of the email addresses that I don’t know 
whom they belong to, but after that, if you want to be left alone, I won't 
bother you.

Purpose of the list
The list is for discussing issues and sharing information of mutual interest to 
our community, and that is not time critical. This could be things like 
arranging a street braai, sharing notes from meetings, and discussing ways to 
progress issues of concern to all or most of us, such as the fence along the 
railway, ADT, etc.

Once I’ve checked all the mobile numbers, Rory will set up a WhatsApp list for 
more time critical messages, such as suspicious characters skulking about and 

Subscribing to the list
To subscribe, you need to send an email to 
hardwick-estate-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the word ‘subscribe’ in the subject 
line. (Clicking on the link should do most of the work or you.) You will 
receive an email to which you will have to respond - this is an anti-spam 
measure to ensure that somebody doesn’t subscribe you against your wishes. Once 
you have replied, you will be send an automated message with some information 
about the list - it may be worthwhile to save it for future reference.

Take note that will probably take a few days for people to get around to 
subscribing to the list. In the first few days I may send a note letting 
everyone know how many people are on the list every now and then.

Sending messages to the list (all of us)
Send an email to hardwick-estate@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - the mailing list system will 
send it to all subscribers, and will prepend the Subject: line you chose with 
[Hardwick Estate] to make the messages to the list easily identifiable.

You will only be able to send messages to the list once you are subscribed.

Unsubscribing from the list
If you find the the messages on the list don’t do anything for you, you can 
unsubscribe by sending an email to  hardwick-estate-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with 
the word ‘unsubscribe’  in the Subject: line.

If you have any trouble, please get in touch and hopefully I can help.



Other related posts:

  • » [Hardwick Estate] Hardwick Estate community mailing list - Wessel du Preez