[openbeos] Re: question marks and such

  • From: "Michael Phipps" <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2001 21:04:44 -0500

>All sorts of things! Multiple accounts, pretty colors (in the dev build 
>we have), sorting mail by thread, more flexible fetch timing, it's 
>prettier... And, of course, I'm omitting things like IMAP that wouldn't 
>matter to you anyway. Oh, and did I mention it's faster=3F (It marginally 
>improves auth in Net+, too)

But I *like* postmaster. :-) And I don't have multiple accounts or IMAP... :-)
How many releases of MDRP have there been?

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