[haiku] Re: Resuming Activity Updates

  • From: "Adrien Destugues" <pulkomandy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 14:41:30 +0200

> I really think the summary model is outdated, with Twitter, blogs and
> RSS, also in respect to your own workflow. Why don't you just push 
> out
> interesting commits and mails to a blog whenever something cool
> happens?

Because something cool never happens in a single commit, but more like 
in a week of work from a dev with several commits. So it's important to 
step back a little and get an outline of what's hapenning.
However, I'm not sure pushing that on only one person reading the mails 
is such a good idea. Maybe we should ask the devs to give more info 
about what they are doing...

Let's start here :

This week I've been working mostly on polishing the locale kit. This 
includes a new method to list the available translations for a given 
application, introducing a system-wide catalog that allows translating 
things used in multiple apps (as of now, the BColorControl class (seen 
in Appearance preflet) and the StringForSize method (seen in DriveSetup 
application)). I also compiled friss, an old rss feed reader, on Haiku, 
fixing several small bugs with the help of the original developer. I 
plan on working more on this small application to bring it to a more 
interesting state, maybe converting it into a true News Kit working a 
bit like the mail daemon. I alos tried to work on the decorators, but I 
encountered too much bugs in this area, so I kept it in a corner to 
look at it later. Everyone is also busy with selecting the students for 
the summer of code.

Note : I would have made a summary of BeGeistert Coding Sprint results, 
but everyone here keeps speaking german so I don't know much of what's 
hapenning, actually :)

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