[openbeos] R1 != R5

  • From: "Daniel Reinhold" <danielr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 15:39:48 CST

>>> This is neat. It should go to GlassElevator for discussion, though.
>>> That mailing list is dredged (manually) for neat ideas and 
>>> This is just general chat.
>>How is this Glass Elevator material?  It's intended for R1.
>R1 retains the original look and the original functionality.
>Simply put, we don't have time to discuss and debate a new look, new 
features, and get R1 done in a reasonable time. So R1 == R5.

I disagree. R1 != R5. That was never in our mandate. R1 should be 
source and binary compatible with R5. That is our mandate.

It should be instantly familiar and usable by any current BeOS user. 
Pre-exisiting apps should run correctly and as expected. But there is 
no requirement that it look *exactly* the same. At the very least, the 
deskbar logo must be changed to "OpenBeOS" or "OBOS" or something else. 
Additionally, we can change the icons -- preferably only in a small way 
so that they are familiar but somewhat updated. Perhaps a few other 
little interface tweaks here or there.

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