[openbeos] Re: OBOS Networking

  • From: Clay Vincent Schentrup <cvs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 01:04:45 -0500

>Nothing to be afraid of, BONE uses ifconfig as well, and it's still as easy 
>to configure (even more) than net_server, through BoneYard.
>Just that the GUI prefs will call/do the same as ifconfig, so it will
>be able for UNIX gurus, g33ks, and people who need it for scripts.
>(oh, and for testing too, it's much simpler to do a 
>while true; do read foo; ifconfig eth0 up; read bar; ifconfig eth0 down; done
>than constantly clicking in the prefs.
     So are we going to throw iptables in there too?


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