[openbeos] Re: Installer issues (was Re: Re: The biggest problems?)

  • From: Rudy Gingles <rudyatek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 16:31:58 -0700

>>I think this installer is really a good start (personnaly I'd add
>>something that would spawn a terminal when you switch to workspace
>>1 so you can use the CD as rescue disk, or fix things before
>>running the installer, and also have a game or something showing
>>the BeOS multitasking when installing so we don't wait looking
>>dumbly at the progress bar... even RedHat has this IIRC).
>You're thinking of Lycoris Desktop/LX (a.k.a. "Redmond Linux") which
>has solitaire while you install :) I think a game is fine, but a
>music video or something that really depends on taste would not be
>such a good idea.

What about a tutorial/introductory video? Introducing the features of 
the OS, what's new, how you do this and that, etc. So that by the 
time the user had finished the install, they have a pretty good idea 
what to do next and how to access their stuff.


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