[openbeos] Re: Fwd: Trac speed issues

  • From: "Stephan Assmus" <superstippi@xxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 14:00:53 +0200

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sat, 17 May 2008 12:55:18 +0200
> Von: "Waldemar Kornewald" <wkornewald@xxxxxxxxxx>
> An: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Betreff: [openbeos] Fwd: Trac speed issues

> Hi everyone!
> It looks like Axel has fixed Trac's speed issues. The site is fast and
> responsive, again.
> As it turns out, search engines caused all the traffic because they
> tried to index all commits and diffs between all revisions. As you can
> imagine, the number of combinations quickly sums up to many hundreds
> of millions of pages to index. So, the solution was to add a simple
> robots.txt file to prevent search engines from indexing the _whole_
> Trac site.

Actually, the credit goes to someone in the Haiku IRC. I forgot the nick 
because I am getting old... I showed up in the channel the other day and 
someone told me that he thinks this would be the problem and that we should 
have a robots.txt in the Trac root folder. He also told me what the contents 
should be. So I forwarded this info to Axel, since I knew he recently gained 
admin access to the site. A *big* "Thank you!" to whoever it was who told me 
this! Trac is a very important tool for us, and the slowness was definitely a 
big PITA. Now it has become so much more useable!

Best regards,

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