[openbeos] Feedback from Users

  • From: "Alexander G. M. Smith" <agmsmith@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 13:12:04 EDT (-0400)

Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
> Of course, it's an even better idea to let them know aht they've
> done right, as I said in an earlier e-mail. I've gone *years*
> without hearing any feedback on several of my programs, despite
> the fact that quite a number of people use them. And that, more
> than anything else, is extremely discouraging.

Or it could mean something else - bug free programs!  Still, it's
nice to hear from people using your software.  Or even from
people not using it (currently I get a fair bit of interest
on BeShare in getting my spam detector finished, which makes
me more enthusiastic about working on it).  But part of that
is speaking up so that people using your software know that
you're around.  Though that's not a concern with you, Nathan :-).

- Alex

P.S. Blatant plug, hope to have a version on BeBits in a week or two:
And an explanation of how it works: http://www.paulgraham.com/spam.html

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