[openbeos] Re: Basic apps - Sum-It

  • From: "Andrew Edward McCall" <mccall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 19:44:20 BST (+0100)

> Just tried Sum-It recently, it seems to be a nice small spreadsheet 
> app.
> Moreover it's released under BSD/MIT. Wouldn't it be nice to have it 
> included 
> in the standard distro ? It would help serving basic needs, then user 
> could 
> upgrade to Gobe/whatever, or distro maker could replace it.
> I already patched it btw. Better SYLK export, so it tries to keep 
> column 
> widths. SYLK is a format Excel imports, so it's quite useful. It 
> would be nice
> to get it export to OOo format, so users begining docs with it could 
> later 
> open them in OOo or Gobe.
> François.

As far as I am aware, we are only going to be including the apps that 
came with BeOS R5. There are even question marks over some of the 
larger apps such as BeIDE right now, we don't really have the man-power 
to reproduce such things yet (but need IMHO)

Perhaps a new project manager that uses jamfiles, but is presented like 
they are with BeIDE would be better for OpenBeOS anyway...

I suppose I should write a newsletter article on how I think that the 
distributions are going to be delt with (I think I have an idea after 
many emails with Michael).

In short, its going to be a cross between FreeBSD and Linux - we keep 
control of the basic libs/software, but for a distro to be "OpenBeOS 
Approved" (Not a real term, just made up) they can't alter these libs 
and software, they only *add* to it via addition install sets. By doing 
this a software company or developer knows what they can count on when 
distributing their own software - just the stuff in the -core distro, 
and purists can just use the OpenBeOS-core distro, rather than a third 
partys (although there wouldn't be any official install/software 
support from OpenBeOS.org for this)
Any questions, just ask :)


Andrew Edward McCall
|eMail - mccall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
|Web - http://www.digitalparadise.co.uk/
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