[openbeos] Re: Announce: BeGeistert 009 in Oktober

  • From: Charlie Clark <charlie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 06:03:58 +0000

On 2002-06-19 at 21:43:14 [+0000], you wrote:
> Why does the US fail to have BeOS conventions?  It's sometimes a little
> expensive for us to get tix to japan/germany to join in the fun!

I assume this means you won't be coming?

We've heard this so often! I think it's probably down to the fact that the 
BeOS users in the states are fairly spread out across the country. Running 
an event like BeGeistert requires a degree of local coordination in finding 
a place to do things and somewhere for people to stay. Plus it helps if 
you've done these kind of things before and we're lucky having people on 
site who help don't mind doing the boring things too much. We've got BeFAN 
(probably the only officially registered BUG) for that.

We have nothing against something like this elsewhere in the world. We'd 
even help organise it!


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