[haiku-sysadmin] Daily Summary for vmdev.haiku-os.org

  • From: root on vmdev <root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: undisclosed-recipients:;
  • Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2013 07:57:09 +0100 (CET)

# System State

top - 07:57:02 up 4 days, 13:17,  1 user,  load average: 0.23, 0.20, 0.17
Tasks: 119 total,   1 running, 118 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  5.5 us,  0.6 sy,  0.4 ni, 90.5 id,  2.9 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem:   2045332 total,  1788676 used,   256656 free,   205880 buffers
KiB Swap:        0 total,        0 used,        0 free,  1296268 cached

    1    2716 00:00:00 /sbin/init showopts
  300    2280 00:00:03 /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
  317    1300 00:00:00 /lib/udev/udevd
  452     748 00:00:00  \_ /lib/udev/udevd
  453     752 00:00:00  \_ /lib/udev/udevd
  588    1448 00:00:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind
  600     352 00:00:00 supervising syslog-ng
  601    3004 00:00:04  \_ /sbin/syslog-ng
  619    1160 00:00:00 /bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --n
  621     456 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/acpid
  636     520 00:00:00 /sbin/auditd -s disable
 1979    2304 00:00:00 /sbin/dhclient -v -cf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.conf -l
 2832    2360 00:00:00 /sbin/dhclient6 -6 -v -D LL -cf /var/lib/dhcp6/dhclient6.
 3053    1484 00:00:01 /usr/sbin/cron -n
 5184    2036 00:00:00  \_ /USR/SBIN/CRON -n
 5187    1120 00:00:00  |   \_ /bin/sh -c  /bin/sh /etc/cron-scripts/run-rotated
 5188    1284 00:00:00  |       \_ /bin/sh /etc/cron-scripts/run-rotated-backups
 6559    1340 00:00:07  |           \_ rsync -q --bwlimit=1000 /var/tmp/2013-03-
 6560    2432 00:00:28  |               \_ ssh -l haiku_backup mmadia.dyndns.org
 9701    2036 00:00:00  \_ /USR/SBIN/CRON -n
 9702    1116 00:00:00      \_ /bin/sh -c  /bin/sh /etc/cron-scripts/send-daily-
 9703    1228 00:00:00          \_ /bin/sh /etc/cron-scripts/send-daily-summary
 9711     840 00:00:00              \_ ps f -eo pid,rss=SIZE_KB,time,cmd
 3065    5452 00:07:37 /usr/sbin/collectd -C /etc/collectd.conf -f
 3067    2104 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
 3111     840 00:00:00 /sbin/agetty -s ttyS0 115200 38400 9600
 3222    1484 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --mysqld=mysqld --user=mysql
 3832   32860 00:00:54  \_ /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/my
 3474    5064 00:00:19 /usr/lib/postgresql91/bin/postgres -D /srv/postgres/data
 3969    1152 00:00:14  \_ postgres: logger process                             
 3976   18628 00:01:33  \_ postgres: writer process                             
 3977    1760 00:01:07  \_ postgres: wal writer process                         
 3978   11472 00:00:35  \_ postgres: autovacuum launcher process                
 3979    1580 00:00:48  \_ postgres: stats collector process                    
 4530   21072 00:03:23  \_ postgres: trac trac ::1(50800) idle                  
 8148   20200 00:00:00  \_ postgres: trac trac ::1(37912) idle                  
 8696   18136 00:00:00  \_ postgres: trac trac ::1(37932) idle                  
 9644   17160 00:00:00  \_ postgres: trac trac ::1(37952) idle                  
 9677   12876 00:00:00  \_ postgres: trac trac ::1(37956) idle                  
 9679    8324 00:00:00  \_ postgres: trac trac ::1(37962) idle                  
 9681   17572 00:00:00  \_ postgres: trac trac ::1(37964) idle                  
 9691   14348 00:00:00  \_ postgres: trac trac ::1(37974) idle                  
 9693   14672 00:00:00  \_ postgres: trac trac ::1(37976) idle                  
 3659    8240 00:00:24 /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -DSSL
15513     620 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/webpositive_erro
15514     520 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/localhost_error_
15515     616 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/i18n_error_%Y%m%
15516     612 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/i18n-next_error_
15517     624 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/dev_error_%Y%m%d
15518     620 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/dev-test_error_%
15519     616 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/webpositive_tran
15520     516 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/webpositive_tran
15521     628 00:00:01  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/localhost_transf
15522     624 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/i18n_transfer_%Y
15523     620 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/i18n-next_transf
15524     624 00:00:02  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/dev_transfer_%Y%
15525     616 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/dev_transfer_%Y%
15526     628 00:00:00  \_ /usr/bin/httplog -z /var/log/apache2/dev-test_transfe
15529    7500 00:00:09  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
15530    7896 00:00:10  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
15997    7312 00:00:03  \_ %%{GROUP}                -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
19125    7312 00:00:03  \_ %%{GROUP}                -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 8113   48132 00:00:03  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 8688   32764 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9626   30408 00:00:01  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9659   29052 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9662   30812 00:00:01  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9663    8100 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9666    7908 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9672   31964 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9675    8692 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9687   30336 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9689   28056 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9694    7404 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9696    7404 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 9700    7404 00:00:00  \_ /usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -
 3856    1804 00:00:00 login -- zooey     
 4536    2728 00:00:00  \_ -bash
 4502    1380 00:00:01 /usr/lib/postfix/master
 4513    1556 00:00:00  \_ qmgr -l -t fifo -u
 6655    1332 00:00:00  \_ pickup -l -t fifo -u
 5190     672 00:00:00 ssh-agent -s

disk usage:
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs           49G   15G   32G  32% /
devtmpfs        993M   36K  993M   1% /dev
tmpfs           999M  4.0K  999M   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           999M  6.4M  993M   1% /run
/dev/sda2        49G   15G   32G  32% /
tmpfs           999M     0  999M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs           999M  6.4M  993M   1% /var/run
tmpfs           999M     0  999M   0% /media
tmpfs           999M  6.4M  993M   1% /var/lock

# Pending Updates
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

Repository           | Name              | Version | Category    | Status | 
openSUSE-12.2-Update | openSUSE-2013-171 | 1       | recommended | needed | 
yast2-ncurses: Show patch descriptions correctly
openSUSE-12.2-Update | openSUSE-2013-174 | 1       | recommended | needed | 
osc: Update to 0.139.1                          

# Trac Backup
dump of postgresql-DB created successfully.
sync of trac-environment created successfully.
sync of pootle-environment created successfully.

# General Backups

*** Starting Backup for etc ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6.0M Mar  9 06:43 /var/tmp/2013-03-09.06-43-01.tbz
rotating etc ...
101 backups found.
1 backup(s) are/is going to be deleted
Removing old backup(s)

*** Starting Backup for root ...
tar: root/.gnupg: file changed as we read it
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 915K Mar  9 06:43 /var/tmp/2013-03-09.06-43-34.tbz.gpg
rotating root ...
101 backups found.
1 backup(s) are/is going to be deleted
Removing old backup(s)

*** Starting Backup for home ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12K Mar  9 06:43 /var/tmp/2013-03-09.06-43-46.tbz.gpg
rotating home ...
101 backups found.
1 backup(s) are/is going to be deleted
Removing old backup(s)

*** Starting Backup for var_log ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38M Mar  9 06:44 /var/tmp/2013-03-09.06-43-52.tbz
rotating var_log ...
101 backups found.
1 backup(s) are/is going to be deleted
Removing old backup(s)

*** Starting Backup for var_adm_backup_web-services ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.1G Mar  9 06:54 /var/tmp/2013-03-09.06-46-34.tbz.gpg

# Translation Update Log
2013-03-09 07:06:50,412 ERROR failed to run update_from_templates over 
get() returned more than one Store -- it returned 2! Lookup parameters were 
{'name__iexact': u'en_CA.catkeys', 'parent__pootle_path__exact': 
2013-03-09 07:07:19,947 ERROR failed to run update_from_templates over 
get() returned more than one Store -- it returned 2! Lookup parameters were 
{'name__iexact': u'en_GB.catkeys', 'parent__pootle_path__exact': 
2013-03-09 07:16:30,474 ERROR failed to run update_from_templates over 
'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe5' in position 4: ordinal not in 
Language be: Finished processing 144 catalogs with 4940 translations
Language de: Finished processing 147 catalogs with 4982 translations
Language el: Finished processing 139 catalogs with 4321 translations
Language fi: Finished processing 147 catalogs with 5002 translations
Language fr: Finished processing 145 catalogs with 4919 translations
Language hi: Finished processing 138 catalogs with 4012 translations
Language hu: Finished processing 147 catalogs with 5015 translations
Language ja: Finished processing 147 catalogs with 4994 translations
Language lt: Finished processing 142 catalogs with 4849 translations
Language nb: Finished processing 130 catalogs with 3787 translations
Language nl: Finished processing 142 catalogs with 4823 translations
Language pl: Finished processing 143 catalogs with 4869 translations
Language pt_BR: Finished processing 147 catalogs with 5015 translations
Language ro: Finished processing 119 catalogs with 4034 translations
Language ru: Finished processing 143 catalogs with 4884 translations
Language sk: Finished processing 142 catalogs with 4883 translations
Language sv: Finished processing 147 catalogs with 5010 translations
Language uk: Finished processing 139 catalogs with 4377 translations
Language zh-Hans: Finished processing 143 catalogs with 4899 translations
[master 1e3995f] Update translations from Pootle
 66 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 data/catalogs/add-ons/disk_systems/ntfs/pt_BR.catkeys
From ssh://git.haiku-os.org/haiku
   9741a1b..f6afd3e  master     -> origin/master
 * [new tag]         hrev45328  -> hrev45328
 * [new tag]         hrev45349  -> hrev45349
From ssh://git.haiku-os.org/haiku
 * [new tag]         hrev45329  -> hrev45329
 * [new tag]         hrev45330  -> hrev45330
 * [new tag]         hrev45331  -> hrev45331
 * [new tag]         hrev45332  -> hrev45332
 * [new tag]         hrev45333  -> hrev45333
 * [new tag]         hrev45334  -> hrev45334
 * [new tag]         hrev45335  -> hrev45335
 * [new tag]         hrev45336  -> hrev45336
 * [new tag]         hrev45337  -> hrev45337
 * [new tag]         hrev45338  -> hrev45338
 * [new tag]         hrev45339  -> hrev45339
 * [new tag]         hrev45340  -> hrev45340
 * [new tag]         hrev45341  -> hrev45341
 * [new tag]         hrev45342  -> hrev45342
 * [new tag]         hrev45343  -> hrev45343
 * [new tag]         hrev45344  -> hrev45344
 * [new tag]         hrev45345  -> hrev45345
 * [new tag]         hrev45346  -> hrev45346
 * [new tag]         hrev45347  -> hrev45347
 * [new tag]         hrev45348  -> hrev45348
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: Update translations from Pootle
To ssh://git.haiku-os.org/haiku
   f6afd3e..2e03f27  master -> master

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