[haiku-development] Re: Keymap Spanish(Dvorak)

  • From: Francisco Castro <fcr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 03:07:12 -0200

On Saturday 24 January 2009 03:05:57 Francisco Castro wrote:
> Just another keymap, the Spanish version of Dvorak.

Sorry, I forgot to attach it xD

Francisco Castro
#!/bin/keymap -l
#       Raw key numbering for 101 keyboard...
         [sys]       [brk]
          0x7e        0x7f
# [esc]       [ f1] [ f2] [ f3] [ f4] [ f5] [ f6] [ f7] [ f8] [ f9] [f10] [f11] 
[f12]    [prn] [scr] [pau]
#  0x01        0x02  0x03  0x04  0x05  0x06  0x07  0x08  0x09  0x0a  0x0b  0x0c 
 0x0d     0x0e  0x0f  0x10     K E Y P A D   K E Y S
# [ ` ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 0 ] [ - ] [ = ] 
[bck]    [ins] [hme] [pup]    [num] [ / ] [ * ] [ - ]
#  0x11  0x12  0x13  0x14  0x15  0x16  0x17  0x18  0x19  0x1a  0x1b  0x1c  0x1d 
 0x1e     0x1f  0x20  0x21     0x22  0x23  0x24  0x25
# [tab] [ . ] [ , ] [enie][ p ] [ y ] [ f ] [ g ] [ c ] [ h ] [ l ] [gra] [ + ] 
[ \ ]    [del] [end] [pdn]    [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ + ]
#  0x26  0x27  0x28  0x29  0x2a  0x2b  0x2c  0x2d  0x2e  0x2f  0x30  0x31  0x32 
 0x33     0x34  0x35  0x36     0x37  0x38  0x39  0x3a
# [cap] [ a ] [ o ] [ e ] [ u ] [ i ] [ f ] [ r ] [ t ] [ n ] [ s ] [ ' ] [  
enter  ]                         [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
#  0x3b  0x3c  0x3d  0x3e  0x3f  0x40  0x41  0x42  0x43  0x44  0x45  0x46     
0x47                             0x48  0x49  0x4a
# [shift]     [ - ] [ q ] [ j ] [ k ] [ x ] [ b ] [ m ] [ w ] [ v ] [ z ]     
[shift]          [ up]          [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ent]
#   0x4b       0x4c  0x4d  0x4e  0x4f  0x50  0x51  0x52  0x53  0x54  0x55       
0x56            0x57           0x58  0x59  0x5a  0x5b
# [ctr]             [cmd]             [  space  ]             [cmd]             
[ctr]    [lft] [dwn] [rgt]    [ 0 ] [ . ]
#  0x5c              0x5d                 0x5e                 0x5f             
 0x60     0x61  0x62  0x63     0x64  0x65
#       NOTE: On a Microsoft Natural Keyboard:
#                       left option  = 0x66
#                       right option = 0x67
#                       menu key     = 0x68
#       NOTE: On an Apple Extended Keyboard:
#                       left option  = 0x66
#                       right option = 0x67
#                       keypad '='   = 0x6a
#                       power key    = 0x6b
Version = 3
CapsLock = 0x3b
ScrollLock = 0x0f
NumLock = 0x22
LShift = 0x4b
RShift = 0x56
LCommand = 0x5d
RCommand = 0x60
LControl = 0x5c
RControl = 0x00
LOption = 0x66
ROption = 0x5f
Menu = 0x68
# Lock settings
# To set NumLock, do the following:
#   LockSettings = NumLock
# To set everything, do the following:
#   LockSettings = CapsLock NumLock ScrollLock
LockSettings = 
# Legend:
#   n = Normal
#   s = Shift
#   c = Control
#   C = CapsLock
#   o = Option
# Key      n        s        c        o        os       C        Cs       Co    
Key 0x00 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x01 = 0x1b     0x1b     0x1b     0x1b     0x1b     0x1b     0x1b     0x1b  
Key 0x02 = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x03 = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x04 = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x05 = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x06 = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x07 = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x08 = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x09 = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x0a = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x0b = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x0c = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x0d = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x0e = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x0f = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x10 = 0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10     0x10  
Key 0x11 = 0xc2ba   0xc2aa   ''       '\\'     ''       0xc2ba   0xc2aa   '\\'  
Key 0x12 = '1'      '!'      ''       '|'      ''       '1'      '!'      '|'   
Key 0x13 = '2'      '"'      ''       '@'      ''       '2'      '"'      '@'   
Key 0x14 = '3'      0xc2b7   ''       '#'      ''       '3'      0xc2b7   '#'   
Key 0x15 = '4'      '$'      ''       '~'      ''       '4'      '$'      '~'   
Key 0x16 = '5'      '%'      ''       0xe282ac ''       '5'      '%'      
0xe282ac ''       
Key 0x17 = '6'      '&'      ''       0xc2ac   ''       '6'      '&'      
0xc2ac   ''       
Key 0x18 = '7'      '/'      ''       ' '      ''       '7'      '/'      ' '   
Key 0x19 = '8'      '('      ''       ' '      ''       '8'      '('      ' '   
Key 0x1a = '9'      ')'      ''       ' '      ''       '9'      ')'      ' '   
Key 0x1b = '0'      '='      ''       ' '      ''       '0'      '='      ' '   
Key 0x1c = '\''     '?'      ''       ' '      ''       '\''     '?'      ' '   
Key 0x1d = 0xc2a1   0xc2bf   ''       ' '      ''       0xc2a1   0xc2bf   ' '   
Key 0x1e = 0x08     0x08     0x1f     0x08     0x08     0x08     0x08     0x08  
Key 0x1f = 0x05     0x05     0x05     0x05     0x05     0x05     0x05     0x05  
Key 0x20 = 0x01     0x01     0x01     0x01     0x01     0x01     0x01     0x01  
Key 0x21 = 0x0b     0x0b     0x0b     0x0b     0x0b     0x0b     0x0b     0x0b  
Key 0x22 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x23 = '/'      '/'      '/'      '/'      '/'      '/'      '/'      '/'   
Key 0x24 = '*'      '*'      '*'      '*'      '*'      '*'      '*'      '*'   
Key 0x25 = '-'      '-'      '-'      '-'      '-'      '-'      '-'      '-'   
Key 0x26 = 0x09     0x09     0x09     0x09     0x09     0x09     0x09     0x09  
Key 0x27 = '.'      ':'      ''       ' '      ''       '.'      ':'      ' '   
Key 0x28 = ','      ';'      ''       ' '      ''       ','      ';'      ' '   
Key 0x29 = 0xc3b1   0xc391   ''       ' '      ''       0xc391   0xc3b1   ' '   
Key 0x2a = 'p'      'P'      0x10     ' '      ''       'P'      'p'      ' '   
Key 0x2b = 'y'      'Y'      0x19     ' '      ''       'Y'      'y'      ' '   
Key 0x2c = 'f'      'F'      0x06     ' '      ''       'F'      'f'      ' '   
Key 0x2d = 'g'      'G'      0x07     ' '      ''       'G'      'g'      ' '   
Key 0x2e = 'c'      'C'      0x03     ' '      ''       'C'      'c'      ' '   
Key 0x2f = 'h'      'H'      0x08     ' '      ''       'H'      'h'      ' '   
Key 0x30 = 'l'      'L'      0x0c     ' '      ''       'L'      'l'      ' '   
Key 0x31 = '`'      '^'      0x1b     '['      ''       '`'      '^'      '['   
Key 0x32 = '+'      '*'      0x1d     ']'      ''       '+'      '*'      ']'   
Key 0x33 = 0xc3a7   0xc387   0x1c     '}'      ''       0xc3a7   0xc387   '}'   
Key 0x34 = 0x7f     0x7f     0x7f     0x7f     0x7f     0x7f     0x7f     0x7f  
Key 0x35 = 0x04     0x04     0x04     0x04     0x04     0x04     0x04     0x04  
Key 0x36 = 0x0c     0x0c     0x0c     0x0c     0x0c     0x0c     0x0c     0x0c  
Key 0x37 = 0x01     '7'      0x01     0x01     '7'      0x01     '7'      0x01  
Key 0x38 = 0x1e     '8'      0x1e     0x1e     '8'      0x1e     '8'      0x1e  
Key 0x39 = 0x0b     '9'      0x0b     0x0b     '9'      0x0b     '9'      0x0b  
Key 0x3a = '+'      '+'      '+'      '+'      '+'      '+'      '+'      '+'   
Key 0x3b = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x3c = 'a'      'A'      0x01     ' '      ''       'A'      'a'      ' '   
Key 0x3d = 'o'      'O'      0x0f     ' '      ''       'O'      'o'      ' '   
Key 0x3e = 'e'      'E'      0x05     0xe282ac ''       'E'      'e'      
0xe282ac ''       
Key 0x3f = 'u'      'U'      0x15     ' '      ''       'U'      'u'      ' '   
Key 0x40 = 'i'      'I'      0x09     ' '      ''       'I'      'i'      ' '   
Key 0x41 = 'd'      'D'      0x04     ' '      ''       'D'      'd'      ' '   
Key 0x42 = 'r'      'R'      0x12     ' '      ''       'R'      'r'      ' '   
Key 0x43 = 't'      'T'      0x14     ' '      ''       'T'      't'      ' '   
Key 0x44 = 'n'      'N'      0x0e     ' '      ''       'N'      'n'      ' '   
Key 0x45 = 's'      'S'      0x13     ' '      ''       'S'      's'      ' '   
Key 0x46 = 0xc2b4   0xc2a8   ''       '{'      ''       0xc2b4   0xc2a8   '{'   
Key 0x47 = 0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a  
Key 0x48 = 0x1c     '4'      0x1c     0x1c     '4'      0x1c     '4'      0x1c  
Key 0x49 = ''       '5'      ''       ''       '5'      ''       '5'      ''    
Key 0x4a = 0x1d     '6'      0x1d     0x1d     '6'      0x1d     '6'      0x1d  
Key 0x4b = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x4c = '-'      '_'      0x1f     ' '      ''       '-'      '_'      ' '   
Key 0x4d = 'q'      'Q'      0x11     ' '      ''       'Q'      'q'      ' '   
Key 0x4e = 'j'      'J'      0x0a     ' '      ''       'J'      'j'      ' '   
Key 0x4f = 'k'      'K'      0x0b     ' '      ''       'K'      'k'      ' '   
Key 0x50 = 'x'      'X'      0x18     ' '      ''       'X'      'x'      ' '   
Key 0x51 = 'b'      'B'      0x02     ' '      ''       'B'      'b'      ' '   
Key 0x52 = 'm'      'M'      0x0d     ' '      ''       'M'      'm'      ' '   
Key 0x53 = 'w'      'W'      0x17     ' '      ''       'W'      'w'      ' '   
Key 0x54 = 'v'      'V'      0x16     ' '      ''       'V'      'v'      ' '   
Key 0x55 = 'z'      'Z'      0x1a     ' '      ''       'Z'      'z'      ' '   
Key 0x56 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x57 = 0x1e     0x1e     0x1e     0x1e     0x1e     0x1e     0x1e     0x1e  
Key 0x58 = 0x04     '1'      0x04     0x04     '1'      0x04     '1'      0x04  
Key 0x59 = 0x1f     '2'      0x1f     0x1f     '2'      0x1f     '2'      0x1f  
Key 0x5a = 0x0c     '3'      0x0c     0x0c     '3'      0x0c     '3'      0x0c  
Key 0x5b = 0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a     0x0a  
Key 0x5c = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x5d = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x5e = ' '      ' '      0x00     ' '      ' '      ' '      ' '      ' '   
   ' '      
Key 0x5f = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x60 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x61 = 0x1c     0x1c     0x1c     0x1c     0x1c     0x1c     0x1c     0x1c  
Key 0x62 = 0x1f     0x1f     0x1f     0x1f     0x1f     0x1f     0x1f     0x1f  
Key 0x63 = 0x1d     0x1d     0x1d     0x1d     0x1d     0x1d     0x1d     0x1d  
Key 0x64 = 0x05     '0'      0x05     0x05     '0'      0x05     '0'      0x05  
Key 0x65 = 0x7f     '.'      0x7f     0x7f     '.'      0x7f     '.'      0x7f  
Key 0x66 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x67 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x68 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x69 = '<'      '>'      0x1c     ' '      ''       '<'      '>'      ' '   
Key 0x6a = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x6b = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x6c = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x6d = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x6e = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x6f = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x70 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x71 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x72 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x73 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x74 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x75 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x76 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x77 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x78 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x79 = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x7a = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x7b = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x7c = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x7d = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x7e = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Key 0x7f = ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''       ''    
Acute ' '       = 0xc2b4   
Acute 'A'       = 0xc381   
Acute 'E'       = 0xc389   
Acute 'I'       = 0xc38d   
Acute 'O'       = 0xc393   
Acute 'U'       = 0xc39a   
Acute 'Y'       = 0xc39d   
Acute 'a'       = 0xc3a1   
Acute 'e'       = 0xc3a9   
Acute 'i'       = 0xc3ad   
Acute 'o'       = 0xc3b3   
Acute 'u'       = 0xc3ba   
Acute 'y'       = 0xc3bd   
Acute ''        = ''       
Acute ''        = ''       
Acute ''        = ''       
AcuteTab = Normal Shift CapsLock CapsLock-Shift 
Grave ' '       = '`'      
Grave 'A'       = 0xc380   
Grave 'E'       = 0xc388   
Grave 'I'       = 0xc38c   
Grave 'O'       = 0xc392   
Grave 'U'       = 0xc399   
Grave 'a'       = 0xc3a0   
Grave 'e'       = 0xc3a8   
Grave 'i'       = 0xc3ac   
Grave 'o'       = 0xc3b2   
Grave 'u'       = 0xc3b9   
Grave ''        = ''       
Grave ''        = ''       
Grave ''        = ''       
Grave ''        = ''       
Grave ''        = ''       
GraveTab = Normal Shift CapsLock CapsLock-Shift 
Circumflex ' '       = '^'      
Circumflex 'A'       = 0xc382   
Circumflex 'E'       = 0xc38a   
Circumflex 'I'       = 0xc38e   
Circumflex 'O'       = 0xc394   
Circumflex 'U'       = 0xc39b   
Circumflex 'a'       = 0xc3a2   
Circumflex 'e'       = 0xc3aa   
Circumflex 'i'       = 0xc3ae   
Circumflex 'o'       = 0xc3b4   
Circumflex 'u'       = 0xc3bb   
Circumflex ''        = ''       
Circumflex ''        = ''       
Circumflex ''        = ''       
Circumflex ''        = ''       
Circumflex ''        = ''       
CircumflexTab = Normal Shift CapsLock CapsLock-Shift 
Diaeresis ' '       = 0xc2a8   
Diaeresis 'A'       = 0xc384   
Diaeresis 'E'       = 0xc38b   
Diaeresis 'I'       = 0xc38f   
Diaeresis 'O'       = 0xc396   
Diaeresis 'U'       = 0xc39c   
Diaeresis 'Y'       = 0xc5b8   
Diaeresis 'a'       = 0xc3a4   
Diaeresis 'e'       = 0xc3ab   
Diaeresis 'i'       = 0xc3af   
Diaeresis 'o'       = 0xc3b6   
Diaeresis 'u'       = 0xc3bc   
Diaeresis 'y'       = 0xc3bf   
Diaeresis ''        = ''       
Diaeresis ''        = ''       
Diaeresis ''        = ''       
DiaeresisTab = Normal Shift CapsLock CapsLock-Shift 
Tilde ' '       = '~'      
Tilde 'A'       = 0xc383   
Tilde 'O'       = 0xc395   
Tilde 'N'       = 0xc391   
Tilde 'a'       = 0xc3a3   
Tilde 'o'       = 0xc3b5   
Tilde 'n'       = 0xc3b1   
Tilde ''        = ''       
Tilde ''        = ''       
Tilde ''        = ''       
Tilde ''        = ''       
Tilde ''        = ''       
Tilde ''        = ''       
Tilde ''        = ''       
Tilde ''        = ''       
Tilde ''        = ''       
TildeTab = Option Option-Shift CapsLock-Option CapsLock-Option-Shift 

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