[hackpgh-discuss] more detail on this Friday's el wire class

  • From: "j. eric townsend" <jet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hackpgh-discuss <hackpgh-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 20:40:13 -0400


Now that we have that out of the way....

This Saturday's class (and the one that follows in a couple of weeks) will be true starter el wire classes. All you need to know is some basic soldering and we'll walk you through doing the two critical solder joints, do some demos on how to design for elwire and place an order, show off some work, and help you get started down the glowing winding road.

Later this summer we'll teach a "medium" or "project" class, the details of that will be sorted out after the beginner classes based on what people want to do. That class will involve designing your own controllers, custom wiring, etc.

If you took the last beginner class there's no need to re-take this one before taking the medium class. All we've changed is the structure of the class and the slides, the same basic skills are being taught in all classes.

Here's what Drue posted on hack pittsburgh's site:


You’ve seen it at Burning Man, Pyrotopia and even on Katy Perry: Colorful wire that glows like neon. Now learn how to create your own art illuminated with electroluminescent wire (EL-wire). This 4-hour workshop will teach you everything you need to know to get started, including:

– How EL-wire works
– How to solder the wire and assemble controllers
– Using EL-wire in clothing, signage and other projects
– Safety and design considerations

Each student will receive a starter kit with 2 meters of wire, an EL-wire controller, batteries and additional components. Additional lengths of EL-wire in a variety of colors will be available for purchase at the class.

You don’t need to know anything about circuits or wiring, however basic soldering experience is required. We will provide soldering irons and other tools. Also, please bring reading glasses if you wear them since we will be joining wires the width of a human hair.

Cost is $55 per person ($45 for HackPittsburgh members) and includes all materials. Seating is limited to 8 people per session.

SESSION A: Saturday, June 23, 1-5pm (Click here to buy tickets)
SESSION B: Saturday, July 14, 1-5pm (Click here to buy tickets)

Video of an EL-wire dress created by the class instructors (Drue Miller and Jet Townsend): http://vimeo.com/40740541

J. Eric Townsend
design: www.allartburns.org; hacking: www.flatline.net;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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