[hackpgh-discuss] Re: Goodwill Raid

  • From: Mandy <steelgreypittsburgh@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: hackpgh-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 14:37:18 -0500

Ok so for the sweater rug loom....

It is indeed for use with strips of sweaters.  Said sweaters HAVE to be wool
- otherwise they won't felt.

I did think the felting came first... but upon further investigation, the
felting comes after the weaving.  So...
1) obtain wool sweaters
2) cut sweaters into strips/loops
3) weave strips on loom
4) bind off edges and remove from loom
5) throw completed rug in washing machine and dryer to felt

This is exactly the same as the nylon potholders many of us did as kids,
except in ginormous fashion, with a good wash and hot dry after pulling it
off the frame.

The wood has been purchased and cut, all I have left to do is attach the
corners with L brackets (already procured) and add the screws (already
procured) around the edge of the frame.

I'm thinking to focus on getting the craft area in shape first so the rest
of the stuff that's kind of all over in the shop can be put away first...
then finishing the loom.  With the craft area set up, we'll then (hopefully)
have somewhere to store the 6' x 4' loom as well.

Matthew and I did make a run up to the Goodwill across from Ross Park a few
days ago and were able to procure a few sweaters to start with.  Fair
warning... the sweaters are not cheap and $ add up fast.  If I remember
correctly from our trip, sweaters were ~$5 apiece.  I'm not sure how many
loops we'll get out of one sweater, but we were trying to buy the men's XL
sizes if we could to make each sweater go farther.  I can guesstimate that
for the $ spent and sweaters procured so far... we're still nowhere close to
filling up the loom.

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 12:46 AM, jeff kramer <jeffkramr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> As far as I understand it from Mandy, it is loops of wool sweaters.  They
> are first felted so they don't come apart, then cut into 1 inch strips.
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 11:36 PM, Doug Philips 
> <douglas.philips@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>  On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 21:33, jeff kramer <jeffkramr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> We need wool sweaters - lots of them.
>>> I'd like to organize a raid on Goodwill before it gets too cold and they
>>> all go onto bodies rather than onto our loom.
>>> Who would like to participate?  This will be on an off-night/day
>>> (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday).
>> I thought the loom was for spiral cut strips of sweat shirts? I'm not
>> clear on what/how this works...
>> -D

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