[hackpgh-balloon] SUCCESS!!!

  • From: Doug Philips <dgou@xxxxxxx>
  • To: hackpgh-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, hackpgh-balloon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2012 23:18:10 -0500

Hey all,
It's late, and we're all tired, so I'm going to keep this short, and sweet.
   There were 8 of us who went out to enjoy this beautiful day:
      Gary, Bob, Gabe, Halley, Anthony, Eli, Forest, and I.

   Over the air into the ham radio APRS system we got to 102,264 feet.
However, Bob was running his own logging system and reports that his highest altitude recorded was: 107,400 feet a new shop record!

   The remnants of the balloon have joined our trophy collection:

Warning: Fresh Balloon fragments look innocuous enough, but when you get up close and personal they are very unpleasant to smell. Weeks and months later they fade to weird orange.

Yes, yes, we know everyone wants to see photos, log data, etc. If you didn't go with us, you'll just have to wait a bit. I'll be in the shop tomorrow night but not until 8ish or so. I don't recall who has said they'll be in when this week. When things go up to Flickr and the wiki page, we'll send out a note so everyone can see/enjoy.

   Thanks to everyone who came out, it was a BLAST.


P.S. A big thanks to ex-founder Matt Stultz who helped set the practices and procedures we followed to get a successful launch. In the end it is fortune and fate that decides if we'll recover, but having a good foundation/start is crucial.

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  • » [hackpgh-balloon] SUCCESS!!! - Doug Philips