[guide.chat] snowman jokes

  • From: vanessa <qwerty1234567a@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "GUIDE CHAT" <guide.chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 16:39:42 +0100

Snowman Jokes

Q. What does a snowman use for sore eyes?
A. Snowdrops!

Q. Where does a snowman go to dance?
A. A snowball!

Q. What type of school does a snowman send his kids to?
A. A snowboarding school!

Q. What does a snowman have for breakfast?
A. Snowflakes!

Q. What do snowkids have for breakfast?
A. Ice Krispies!

Q. What did the policeman shout when he saw a snowman stealing something?
A. Freeze!

Q. How does a snowman get to work?
A. By icicle.

Q. Why is the snowman?s dog named Frost?
A. Because Frost bites.

Q. How do snowmen normally greet each other?
A. Ice to meet you!

Q. What did the snowman and his wife put over their baby?s cot?
A. A snowmobile!

Q. What does a snowman take when he gets sick?
A. A chill pill!

Q. What does a snowman like to put on his food?
A. Chilly sauce!

Q. What does a snowman wear on his head?
A. An ice cap!

Q. What kind of cake does a snowman like?
A. One with lots of icing!

Vanessa The Google Girl.
my skype name is rainbowstar123

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